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Rules play an important part in any server, but our rules are unique in that they promote a realistic immersive gaming experience. Please read over all the rules before joining the discord server, and if you have a suggestion, feel free to put it in our suggestions channel in the discord once you join!

Please read over the discord terms of service in addition to our rules. We do not allow or condone underage members in our server. The TOS can be found here.

1.) Respect everyone and their Race, Sexuality, Religion, and/or Beliefs.
If you don't... you will have some issues... this is to keep Drama out of this Server. If you are sexist, racist, or anything else... there is a big chance you will be banned right off the back if you give someone a sly comment.
2.) What Staff says Goes.
Staff members have their own guidelines to follow. You only get three warnings before a kick or even a ban depending on the offense. Also.. please don't get involved (Mini Mod) when a Staff member is handling a situation.
3.) NO NSFW(Not Safe For Work) Content!
There could be kids in the server! If you post anything that's NSFW out of the NSFW channels, its an automatic kick.
4.) Know when Enough is Enough.
Don't molest people, its rude and annoying which brings me to rule six.
DO NOT tag @everyone, @here or a group of people with the same role without good reason. Doing so will result in a warning then kick.
6.) Don't be afraid to speak up!
Your opinion matters the most to us! Share it in the #suggestions so we can make it better for everyone!
7.) Use common Sense!
Seriously... you have a brain for a reason, use it.
8.) Cursing is allowed
However, if your caught cursing AT someone, that's an offense and will be taken seriously no matter the word used.
9.) Usage of Channels
Use the right channel and category for what you are trying to do/say. Don't post pictures in General.. Doing so results in warnings then a kick.


1.) No KFS/KOS

Basically, if you already have a body, eat it before hunting something else. AI's are not considered bodies.
2.) Do NOT Combat Log if you are being hunted!

Especially if you are in a fight over territory or even fighting over anything. If you are bleeding, you cannot log out. Wait until the hunt is officially over or you heal the bleed before logging out. 
3.) No spam/hate in global.
4.) No killing in water.

Do not sit in water to evade being hunted, you will be TP’d out for the hunters to finish you off. You can however swim across to escape.
5.) No Spawn Killing.
6.) Dinos shall not mix pack, unless you are a herbivore.


1.) If you claim a Territory you MUST drive out any dinosaur unless you tolerate them or they are a Herbivore.
2.) You can only claim territories containing a lake.

You may not claim a strip of land.
3.) Let an Admin know you are claiming a certain lake so they can announce it.
4.) The amount of aggression you show to anyone in your territory is up to you. 
5.) If you claim a territory, and food is scarce, 1 person from the group may leave the territory to hunt.

You will then take turns going to food so that you may keep the territory. If both of you leave the territory, it will become claimable again.
6.) If your mate is on a hunt, and a group comes to challenge for the territory, you may either fight or flee at your own risk.

We ask you to follow these rules as best as you can, if you refuse to comply you will be given the appropriate punishment.

Looking for pack limit rules? You can find those on the Dinosaur Profiles Page!

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